perl -d -e 42 ***** DB<1> |h ***** V DB filename line ***** b 237 $x > 30 b 33 /pattern/i ***** a 53 print "DB FOUND $foo\n" ***** $ PERLDB_OPTS="N f=2" perl -d myprogram ***** |V main ***** DB<8> ***** DB<<17>> ***** DB<1> for (1..4) { \ cont: print "ok\n"; \ cont: } ok ok ok ok ***** shell_prompt% perl -d camel_flea Stack dump during die enabled outside of evals. Loading DB routines from patch level 0.94 Emacs support available. Enter h or `h h' for help. main::(camel_flea:3): $a = 1; DB<1> ***** DB<1> b infested DB<2> c ***** main::infested(camel_flea:12): my bugs; ***** DB<2> w 9: } 10: 11: sub infested { 12==>b my $bugs; 13: return 3.5; 14: } DB<2> ***** DB<2> T $ = main::infested called from file `' line 10 @ = Ambulation::legs(1, 2, 3, 4) called from file `camel_flea' line 7 $ = main::pests('bactrian', 4) called from file `camel_flea' line 4 ***** BEGIN { require "" } ***** $DB::alias{'len'} = 's/^len(.*)/p length($1)/'; $DB::alias{'stop'} = 's/^stop (at|in)/b/'; $DB::alias{'ps'} = 's/^ps\b/p scalar /'; $DB::alias{'quit'} = 's/^quit\b.*/exit/'; ***** &parse_options("NonStop=1 LineInfo=db.out"); sub afterinit { $trace = 1; } ***** perl -d:DProf ***** print STDOUT, "goodbye", $adj, "world!\n"; # WRONG ***** print STDOUT "goodbye", $adj, "world!\n"; # ok ***** print $filehandle "goodbye", $adj, "world!\n"; ***** print $notafilehandle, "goodbye", $adj, "world!\n"; ***** ($one,$two) = /(\w+) (\w+)/; ***** print "the answer is @foo[1]\n"; ***** @foo[1] = ; ***** print "hi"; # WRONG, omit angles ***** while () { } while ($_ = ) { }.. ; # data discarded! ***** $x = /foo/; # changes $x $x =~ /foo/; # doesn't ***** use English; ***** if (expression) { block; } else if (another_expression) { another_block; } ***** if (expression) { block; } elsif (another_expression) { another_block; } ***** camel='dromedary'; # WRONG ***** $camel='dromedary'; # ok ***** foreach hump (one two) stuff_it $hump end ***** foreach $hump ("one", "two") { stuff_it($hump); } ***** chop($thishost = `hostname`); ***** sub SeeYa { die "Hasta la vista, baby!" } $SIG{'QUIT'} = SeeYa; ***** print "$a::$b::$c\n"; ***** print "$var::abc::xyz\n"; ***** shift @list + 20; # now parses like shift(@list + 20), illegal! $n = keys %map + 20; # now parses like keys(%map + 20), illegal! ***** sleep $dormancy + 20; ***** /foo/ ? ($a += 2) : ($a -= 2); ***** /foo/ ? $a += 2 : $a -= 2; ***** (/foo/ ? $a += 2 : $a) -= 2; ***** $a += /foo/ ? 1 : 2; ***** foreach $var (grep /x/, @list) { ... } ***** foreach $var (my @tmp = grep /x/, @list) { ... } ***** my %keywords; for (@keywords) { $keywords{$_}++; } ***** ${$pkg . '::' . $varname} = &{ "fix_" . $varname }($pkg); ***** "foundstring" =~ /$currentpattern/; # Dummy match (must succeed). while (<>) { print if //; } ***** print if /one-hump/ || /two/; ***** print if /one-hump|two/; ***** while (<>) { next if /^#/; next if /^$/; chop; @piggies = split(/,/); ... } ***** opendir(DIR,"."); @files = sort grep(!/^\./, readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); ***** $foo = substr($foo,0,3) . $bar . substr($foo,6); ***** substr($foo,3,3) = $bar; ***** if ($a) { $foo = $a; } elsif ($b) { $foo = $b; } elsif ($c) { $foo = $c; } ***** $pi ||= 3; ***** print $fullname{$name} . " has a new home directory " . $home{$name} . "\n"; ***** print $fullname{$name}, " has a new home directory ", $home{$name}, "\n"; ***** sub numtoname { local($_) = @_; unless (defined $numtoname{$_}) { local(@a) = gethostbyaddr(pack('C4', split(/\./)),2); $numtoname{$_} = @a > 0 ? $a[0] : $_; } $numtoname{$_}; } ***** chmod +t /usr/bin/perl ***** open(FILE, $file) or die "$0: Can't open $file for reading: $!\n"; ***** while ($condition) { # for short ones, align with keywords # do something } # if the condition wraps, line up the # braces with each other while ($this_condition and $that_condition and $this_other_long_condition) { # do something } ***** open(FOO,$foo) || die "Can't open $foo: $!"; ***** die "Can't open $foo: $!" unless open(FOO,$foo); ***** print "Starting analysis\n" if $verbose; ***** $verbose && print "Starting analysis\n"; ***** return print reverse sort num values %array; return print(reverse(sort num (values(%array)))); ***** LINE: for (;;) { statements; last LINE if $foo; next LINE if /^#/; statements; } ***** $ALL_CAPS_HERE # constants only (beware clashes with Perl vars!) $Some_Caps_Here # package-wide global/static $no_caps_here # function scope my() or local() variables ***** $IDX = $ST_MTIME; $IDX = $ST_ATIME if $opt_u; $IDX = $ST_CTIME if $opt_c; $IDX = $ST_SIZE if $opt_s; ***** mkdir $tmpdir, 0700 or die "can't mkdir $tmpdir: $!"; chdir($tmpdir) or die "can't chdir $tmpdir: $!"; mkdir 'tmp', 0777 or die "can't mkdir $tmpdir/tmp: $!"; ***** opendir(D, $dir) or die "can't opendir $dir: $!"; ***** tr [abc] [xyz];